alteration of the original finding nemo logo from disney pixar studios.

Finding the real Nemo Trivia Quiz


On a separate sheet of paper, write down your answers. When you are finished, scroll to the bottom and see if you were right!

1. Why does the Porcupine Puffer eat hard shelled crustaceans?

a. To wear down their ever-growing teeth.

b. Because they are usually small enough for the Porcupine Puffer's mouth.

c. They provide the necessary protiene that the Pufferfish needs in it's diet.

2. Up to what speed can the Great White Shark travel in water?

a. 20 miles per hour.

b. 15 miles per hour.

c. 10 miles per hour.

d. 5 miles per hour.

3. How many teeth does a Great White Shark have?

a. 26 teeth (just like humans).

b. 90 teeth.

c. 500 teeth.

d. 300 teeth.

4. Up to how many lbs (pounds) can Pacific Green Sea Turtles weigh?

a. 100 lbs.

b. 300 lbs.

c. 500 lbs.

d. 700 lbs.

5. Why is the Pacific Regale Blue Tang sometimes called a 'doctor'?

a. The Blue Tang, when in a tank, takes care of the other fish-like a doctor.

b. Because it has another alias named the 'surgeonfish'.

c. The sharp spines on each side of the fish’s tail resemble a surgeon’s scalpel.

6. Why are the Spotted Eagle Ray's teeth chevron-shaped?

a. They allow the Ray to crush mollusks' hard shells.

b. It makes it easier for them to shred seaweed.

c. That's the only way the teeth will fit in the Ray's oddly-shaped mouth.

7. Why do Ocellaris Clown Fishes live in an Anemone?

a. The Ocellaris Clownfishes are drawn to the way the anenome looks.

b. The Clown Fish and the Anenome live off of one another.

c. It's a comfortable place for them to stay safe from predators.

8. What can Starfishes do with their arms that gives them protection?

a. They can move them rapidly in times of attack.

b. They can regenerate damaged or lost arms and also shed arms if needed.

c. They can create waves of sand with their arms that distract the predator while they escape.

9. Why is Pearl called a Pink Flapjack Octopus?

a. The octupus is able to flatten and looks much like a pancake or flapjack when doing so.

b. The octopus often flips (while swimming) much like a flapjack (pancake) flipping out of a frying pan.

c. The consistency of the octopus is much like the dough of pancake or flapjack batter.

10. What makes a Seahorse comparable to a Chameleon?

a. They can change colors depending on their surroundings.

b. They have a curly tail that resembles that of a chameleon's tail.

c. Their eyes move independently from one another, like chameleons eyes.


1) a. To wear down their ever-growing teeth.

2) b. 15 miles per hour.

3) d. 300 teeth.

4) d. 700 lbs.

5) c. The sharp spines on each side of the fish’s tail resemble a surgeon’s scalpel.

6) a. They allow the Ray to crush mollusks' hard shells.

7) b. The Clown Fish and the Anenome live off of one another.

8) b. They can regenerate damaged or lost arms and also shed arms if needed.

9) a. The octupus is able to flatten and looks much like a pancake or flapjack when doing so.

10) c. Their eyes move independently from one another, like chameleons eyes.